The SetupAutodeskArtCAMReliefClipartLibrary2017-3.exe file, downloaded using the Relief Clipart Library panel's Get More Clipart button in ArtCAM Standard 2017 and ArtCAM Premium 2017, installs the full Relief Clipart Library associated with ArtCAM Standard 2017. Each of these ArtCAM software releases have their own Relief Clipart Library. You should not use the Relief Clipart Library associated with an ArtCAM 2015 (Download Only) or ArtCAM 2015 R2 (Download Only) installation in Autodesk ArtCAM Standard 2017.

The installer only skips files when it identifies that they are already included in this location. The Relief Clipart Library is installed to C:\Users\Public\Documents\ArtCAM Files\Reliefs on your computer. When I look carefully at the installer message, all files where skipped, see attachement. When I install the pack you mentioned, I shut down Artcam before, ensured it wasn't running.Right click, install as administrator. Under %public\documents\artcam files\reliefs are 830 files, total size of 21MB, the youngest file there is from (!) I dont get where the files in the 900MB download are gone. I have 2374 rlf files on my computer, including many duplicates (searched with tool "everything", not windows search), total size of 415MB. Please tell me a way how to use them too, thank you.īesides that, something still seems to be wrong. As far as I see there are 2 categories, which still don't work, the reliefs filed under "4m3D" and all reliefs, which I downloaded from Delcams Customer Center. Thank you very much! After installing the clipart pack it seems that the reliefs a now useable.