How to download youtube video
How to download youtube video

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I also prefer open-source, then freeware, then paid in that order, but if a software is great, that trumps all. It's different if the poster made the distinction themselves but the poster didn't even mention anything about open-source or closed-source. Someone who truly has nothing against closed-source would see the comment and just move on. So that what should happen? The poster should edit their comment with an open-source one? Like I said, no one asked you but you just felt you needed to put the distinction. How can you still insist you don't have anything against closed-source?Īnd since there are tons of other opensource GUIs, which are pretty good, I dont see a problem in pointing out Stacher being closed source.

how to download youtube video

You even said it doesn't make much sense to you. If you had nothing against closed-source, it wouldn't be awkward seeing someone recommend it as a gui alternative to cli.

how to download youtube video

That feels kind of awkward for me and it doesn't make mcuh sense in my head. It is just that awkward combination of a closed source GUI for an opensource software. I have nothing against the existence of closed source stuff. Thats the reasons I had in mind while pointing it out. But the combination of "closed source GUI" for an "open source CLI" is kind of uncommon and doesnt really connect in my head, all the while there being already many other opensource GUIs für the said opensource software.Īnd since most people, who specifically look for opensource solutions, it it probably interesting for them to know that the recommended GUI is not opensource for the opensource yt-dlp. So, nothing against it, and nothing against people recommending it. That feels kind of awkward for me and it doesn't make much sense in my head.Īnd since there are many other good opensource GUIs for it, and yt-dlp being oepnsource itself in the first place, I dont see a problem in pointing out Stacher-GUI being closed source for an opensource CLI. It is just the awkward/uncommon combination of a closed source GUI for an opensource software.

How to download youtube video